Cameyo offers end users the ability to launch on associated file types and open the appropriate Cameyo application providing a seamless and "native" experience for end users.

To enable file handling, follow these steps: 


1. Define which applications will need to be installed as PWA.  

2. Install them as PWAs as described in this article: Cameyo App PWAs.  If you are not able to deploy a PWA via Google Workspace, follow the next step to manually install the PWA.

3. If you would like to test an individual application, you can simply assign the Powertag !PWA=1 on the target application;  the user will be offered the opportunity to install the target application 

4.  Install EXCEL 

5. Install

6. Install confirmed 

7. For application such as Excel and Word, define the Powertag as seen below !FILEEXT=1


8. For other applications e.g. Notepad use the Powertag !FILEEXT=txt;ini (associated extensions of Notepad)

9. Add the Powertag !WEBFS=1 at an app, server, user or company level.  The example below has !WEBFS=1 defined at an application level and will only be enabled for that application.

10. Apply the Powertag !PWA_PORTAL=1 and !CLIENTPORTAL=2 under Admin >Company settings>Advanced 

11. Double-Click on your sample file and you will be offered to remember your choice for these file types > Select Open



12. Your local file will open with the associated Cameyo Virtual Application


On ChromeOS, file extensions that already had an app associated with them will not get automatically replaced. Users will need to select "Open with" the first time: