Like on Windows, we can provide you with a valid <yourname> certificate.

If your environment requires to have a custom certificate (e.g. your company's certificate) you have to follow this procedure:

  1. Get a valid PKCS#12 certificate (*.pfx / *.p12) as explained in
    Turning your Cameyo server into HTTPS

  2. connect to your Cameyo for Linux box (e.g. by SSH)

  3. copy your certificate to /opt/cameyo/etc/cert.pfx

  4. modify the file /opt/cameyo/etc/advanced_settings.json and add/modify the "CertificatePassword" entry:
    root@cameyo:/opt/cameyo/etc# sudo nano /opt/cameyo/etc/advanced_settings.json
     "EnvVars": {}, 
     "MaxUsers": 0, 
     "ConnectAsAdmin": false,
     "DisableHideSplash": false,
     "NoMaximizeWnd": false,
     "NoTimezoneAdjustment": false,
     "FixedUser": false,  
     "RecycleAccount": true, 
     "HttpPortShield": true,
     "AllowDriveExtend": true, 
     "ImeLang": "",
     "MaintenanceIntervalHrs": 12,
     "PersistentUsersStaticPwdDays": 0, 
     "CloudDrop": true, 
     "RapPingFreqSec": 180,
     "UpcsDisable": false, 
     "UpcsSyncIntervalSec": 120, 
     "UpcsSyncAttemptIntervalSec": 120, 
     "UpcsSyncMaxFileSize": "400M", 
     "UpcsGlobal": false, 
     "UpcsGlobalPath": "", 
     "UpcsNoRcloneLimit": false, 
     "WndGraceSecond": 10000,
     "CertificatePassword": "test123"

  5. restart Cameyo service
    root@cameyo:/opt/cameyo/etc# sudo systemctl restart cameyo

Converting your certificate from PEM format:
If you have your certificate in PEM format, you can easily convert it by using the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in fullchain.pem

If the advanced_settings.json gets replaced with the default entries overwriting your changes, then most likely the JSON format is invalid.
You can validate your JSON using the following JSON validator: