A nominated Company Admin can delegate specific functions to specific users or user groups e.g. Helpdesk team to perform specific tasks across the Cameyo platform. 

They are broken down into:

!ADMIN_APPS=0/1Enables or disables an ADMIN from modifying to deleting applications. Where access is disabled, an ADMIN would still be able to view applications.
!ADMIN_USERS=0/1Enables or disables an ADMIN from adding, modifying or deleting users.
!ADMIN_SERVERS=0/1Enables or disables an ADMIN from performing functions related to SERVER infrastructure.
!ADMIN_SETTINGS=0/1Enables or disables an ADMIN from modifying Company Settings (/company page), i.e. SSO settings, Session Settings, Company branding etc.
Enables or disables an ADMIN from modifying Session Settings (/policy page), i.e. maximum session/inactivity timeouts.
Enables or disables an ADMIN from connecting to servers as an Admin.
!ADMIN_ANALYTICS=0/1Enables or disables an ADMIN from accessing the Analytics page.

Note: user must be an ADMIN for the above flags to apply.

In the Powertag example below:

  1. Delegated control for user modification, addition or deletion is enabled.
  2. Delegated control for app modification, addition or deletion is disabled (Admin will still have full view of the apps).
  3. Delegated control for company settings is disabled.