When creating a new cloud instance, by default instances get created with the following specs:
For all PowerTags below the Level defines the number of CPUs according to the table above.
The PowerTag !CLOUDINSTANCE can be used to specify a custom machine type.
The syntax is: !CLOUDINSTANCE=CPU:[cpu_count],RAM:[ram_gb]
This creates a machine type like this:
custom-{cpu_count}-{ram_gb * 1024}
To specify a custom instance type, i.e. GCP's n2-standard-... you can define !CLOUDCPUGEN, i.e:
which produces an <GEN>-standard-<CPU> machine type VM
E.g. n2-standard-8
At the moment we only support N2 but other generations might be also possible to apply (N2D, N4, C2D, E2, … )
You will find more information here:
If you define a CPU generation that is not available in your data center you will get an error in your GCP logs and creation of the machine in Cameyo will fail! Example: Invalid value for field 'resource.machineType': 'zones/europe-west3-a/machineTypes/n2|n2d|c2d|e2-standard-2'. Machine type with name 'n2|n2d|c2d|e2-standard-2' does not exist in zone 'europe-west3-a'. [400]
This can be used together with the following PowerTag:
which produces a <GEN>-<SERIES>-<CPU> machine type VM
E.g. n2-highmem-8
At the moment we only support highmem but other series might be also possible to apply (highcpu)
You also will find more information here:
This functionality is currently supported on the GCP cloud environment only
You cannot use !CLOUDCPUGEN and !CLOUDINSTANCE together!
!CLOUDINSTANCE will always win