If your company is behind a proxy, it's recommended to add Cameyo's addresses (online.cameyo.com, files.cameyo.com) as exceptions and allow direct connection without going through the proxy. If this is not possible within your organization, you can configure Cameyo's server components to go through your company's proxy. Add the following lines into C:\RemoteAppPilot\Settings\proxy.properties:
proxy-server: ProxyServerNameOrIP
proxy-port: 8080
proxy-type: HTTP
proxy-user: username
proxy-password: password
all-users: true
- proxy-server: the host name or IP address of your proxy server, for example: "inet-proxy.internal" or "".
- proxy-port: the port on your proxy's server
- proxy-type: either "HTTP", "DIRECT" or "SOCKS". Usually this should be "HTTP".
- proxy-user / proxy-password: the proxy credentials if your proxy requires authentication. These are usually the credentials of a service account.
- all-users: if true, these proxy settings are also used for Cameyo user sessions.
Once the changes are saved, restart Cameyo's service + Apache, or simply reboot.
Advanced testing: authenticated proxy
In some networks, Internet access requires going through an authenticated proxy thus requiring a service account to be created for Cameyo to access its portal. If that's your case, you may want to test proxy access from your server as the Local System account. You can use a testing tool for checking Internet access from the Local System account: HttpGet. Launch an elevated command prompt and run it with a target site as parameter, i.e: HttpGet.exe https://files.cameyo.com
Be aware that Cameyo behind a proxy server is only supported on Windows and not on Linux